FCL Destination Costs

Rates are examples, of observed charges, but every shipment will be different, based upon the following

    • origin of the goods,

    • final destination port/country;

    • commodity (regulated, not regulated, exempt)

    • value

    • exemption status of importer (individual, tax exempt organization, government)

    • special handling;

    • disruptions at port or in country.

Examples of rates:

    • $300.00 - Customs Clearing (paid to customs broker licensed in country of destination. Many individuals and businesses will file this and supporting documents themselves and pay duty directly to Customs at Port)

    • Customs Duty (Destination) - can be 0% or can be significantly more than the value, depending upon the commodity, value, countries involved and status of the importer. This amount is calculated from a completed Commercial Invoice);

    • varies according to goods - Merchandise Processing Fee (MPF)

    • depends on the port - Harbor Maintenance Fees (HMF)

    • depends on the port - PierPass Charge, Alameda Corridor Surcharge (ACS)

    • $10 per day or $150.00 per day depending on the port, time, and type of cargo - Demurrage and Detention / Warehouse Fees

    • $50.00 is typical for Telex Release/EDI Fee

    • generally depends on size of shipment and distance from port - Delivery Fee

    • $35-75.00 per day - Chassis Usage Fee

    • $10.00 or more depending on the extent of spillage - Container Cleaning Fee

    • $400.00 - X-ray inspection of container

    • $3000.00 special customs inspection of container where all cargo is removed and inspected for contraband, country of origin, compliance standards, value or restrictions on importer or exporter.